Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

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After the opening event, you need to fight against illegal immigrants.

This stage is to get used to the game. T ...

Final Fantasy 1,Walkthrough

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Past Chaos Shrine

ATentBPotionCLeather CapDWerebusterEGold NeedleFRune BladeGDry EtherHElixirIProtect RingJProte ...

Final Fantasy 1,Walkthrough

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Flying Fortress

A990 GilBPotionC4150 GilD7900 GilE5000 GilFProtect RingG6720 GilHHealing HelmI180 GilJRazerKMyth ...

Final Fantasy 1,Walkthrough

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Mirage TowerATentBAegis ShieldC2750 GilD3400 GilE18010 GilFVorpal swordG800 GilHHealing helmI13000 GilJ12350 GilKThor ...

Final Fantasy 1,Walkthrough

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Citadel of TrialsAGauntlet (The item is shared with the treasure chest E.)BHealing StaffCRuby ArmletDIce BrandESteel Glo ...